I Walk the Line: Leaving downtown, Ninth Street to the Medical Center
Recapping the INC Council/Mayoral debate

InterNeighborhood Council mayoral/City Council debate tonight

Just a reminder that the INC is hosting a debate for mayoral and City Council candidates tonight in the City Council chambers.

Doors open at 6:30pm, with introductions starting 15 minutes later. The debate will start at 7pm and is slated to run for two hours.

We'll be covering tonight's debate so look for a full rundown of what transpires. Even better, come yourself and have a chance to meet the candidates in the flesh. The event will also be broadcast on public access -- Time Warner Cable channel 8, and AT&T U-Verse channel 99.


Bull City Rising

For those readers who may be awaiting our coverage of the debate -- we'll be wrapping up our wrap-up (so to speak) over lunch during the workday today, so look for a post by around 1pm.

In the meantime, if you missed the debate, watch it on YouTube; kudos to the City's IT team and/or INC for getting this online so fast: https://youtu.be/cz0eeC3lpc4

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