Where's BCR?
August 29, 2008
Sorry to delve into meta-blogging for the second time in as many weeks, but a quick update on the paucity of posting this week.
First, a quick thanks to the nice people at Duke Today for featuring Bull City Rising in their profile of Duke employees blogging about Durham. Check out the article and look for the links to plenty o' Durham blogs.
That said, I'm quoted in Duke Today a second time today -- on a subject that explains why things have been a wee bit quiet here this week. The blog life happens in those interstitial spaces between work and sleep; when work expands to fill that void, as it has of late in my own career, the blog naturally slows down a bit.
Still, there's some interesting items coming up here next week, including:
- An updated sneak peek at the Durham Performing Arts Center featuring construction progress photos.
- A look at long-range transportation planning, including at least one possible future road that might make you sit up and say, where'd that come from?
- Neckdown and traffic calming updates, including one from the controversial Anderson St. project.
Also coming up here at BCR in the coming weeks: A refresh of the site design that's entering the home stretch, plus a little more explanation of the advertising section you see on the left-hand side of the page -- along with a like-minded feature joining it that we'll be one of the first hyperlocal sites in the U.S. to feature.
Thanks for reading and commenting. Though I haven't had as much time to comment back these last couple of weeks, it's the community interaction and exchanges that make this, for me, so rewarding to work on. Thanks!