Monday's City Council: Royal Ice Cream, two-thirds bonds, and the changing of the guard
November 30, 2007
Monday night's Council meeting marks the end of one tenure on the City Council and the beginning of another, meaning there's some circumstance to accompany the pomp so often associated with events like the evening's installation ceremony for the newly elected and re-elected council members.
Certainly Monday's event isn't the outcome departing councilman Thomas Stith hoped for; defeated in his run for mayor by Bill Bell, the former pre-school owner and Raleigh conservative think-tank pol returns to private life, denied a Merry Stithmas in favor of a Stith-less council. In his place: newcomer Farad Ali joins re-elected councilfolk Diane Catotti and Eugene Brown and returning mayor Bill Bell.
The installation ceremony kicks off with a welcoming reception (open of course to the general public) at 6pm in the lobby of City Hall, followed at 7pm by the oaths of office and regular Council business.
The highlight item on this week's agenda is the so-called two-thirds bond subject, a reference to the state statue allowing local governments to re-issue new bonds without voter approval when retiring old securities, with the caveat that the face value can be no more than two-thirds the level from the old bonds. Ray Gronberg covered the subject well in a story going into the Thanksgiving holiday, noting in particular that there's some debate on how to allocate the funds from these new bonds.