Buses out, cars in (and it's a good thing)
March 27, 2007
So I've done some head-scratching of late wondering what was up with the Trailways/Greyhound move over to the corner of Duke St. and Chapel Hill St. Looks nicer than the old station on Morgan St., to say the least, but why move, and why now?
The mystery grew deeper when the old Trailways building suddenly got demolished just weeks after the bus companies' move to the south side of Brightleaf. Now, all is answered -- for the time being. Turns out the developers of the Studebaker Building (home of the old Playhouse at Brightleaf, now becoming office space for Ogilvy) have leased the old Trailways site as parking for their project, according to a post on the Trinity Park listserv.
Good thing, too, since with all the new restaurants in Brightleaf, parking in the free lot between Main, Duke, Morgan, and Gregson is tougher than ever. Gary over at Endangered Durham remarked that this open lot would be a perfect location for a parking garage wrapped with apartments or retail -- though for now, I guess we have to settle for busy asphault.